ROCK BANDS will be featured in the new music video by Grout and Radiator Music for the song "Every time you read my mind"...

Jake, the lead singer is a great guy out of Atlanta and he is amazing in the video. Learn more about him and the group at:

The whole crew with Alyssa Day the author of the books Atlantis Rising which the film and the music video are based. Her website to find more about her best-selling books is:
Director Johnny St Ours and I speaking on set...his work is amazing and can be seen at:

Autumn Adele played my leading lady Riley and Anubisa Queen of the Night

I played Conlan the Prince of Atlantis and I fall for a human, which is not allowed

Anubisa Queen of the Night enslaves me (Well, Conlan) for 7 years

Conlan has 7 trusted warriors that follow and protect him...they also all wear ROADIES by ROCK BANDS and Lee Dahlberg of course

Conlan leads his Atlatians to fight Vampires and save the human race, while wearing his ROCK BAND by lee Dahlberg of course=)

The final has been edited and I will post the link any day now.

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