donate and help the animals

i know this is going to sound maybe cold-hearted to some, but i care firstly about the animals being hurt in these horrible fires. i have always had a soft spot for animals and i am *very* protective of them.

A burnt koala from the bushfires -
i know islamically we are not supposed to tell people when we give charity because it may be the intention of some to boast... but i just donated to the Victoria RSPCA fund, in order to support and help those who help our animal friends and of course the little animals, themselves. Who knows... maybe my little bit could Insha'Allah save a little animal's life. if it did, although i will never know, i would be so happy to know i helped one of Allah's creatures.. and who knows.. i may get a reward from Allah.

Wallahi im not broadcasting this to boast. im not looking for praise or admiration. Please dont comment on the fact that i personally donated. i do it in the hope that even just one person will follow my actions and donate to help those suffering in Australia right now.
If you can - you can give whatever you feel like or whatever you can afford, every little bit helps, be that $2 or $200 to help save a life. Remember it is tax Deductible - so you will get it back, come tax Return Time (if you are in Australia). International readers CAN donate!
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Save yourself from hellfire by giving even half a date-fruit in charity." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 498

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