by request: afghani style

i had a request from a reader to do something with a little bit of Afghani style. So i collected a trillion pictures of cool afghani fashion pics and put some on display here for you.
i never realised how colourful and beautifully patterned afghan traditional clothing is. i knew a bit from the exquisite rugs they hand make though.
its simply gorgeous.


i love how their long scarves cover all of their backs. it looks beautiful and graceful....

very colourful and love the intricate designs:::

very stylish...

gorgeous patterns:::

Love this afghani tunic:::

These (and many more great pieces) can be found

they have heaps of afghani pieces. i wish they had more hazara inspired stuff though!
this is a nice one...

i would buy a full length version of this:::

this is sooooo cute and gorgeous::::

i also love how they wear cute little heels with their clothing and do it in a graceful, gorgeous way!
here is a set i made up using one of the afghani dresses from the above mentioned site.

afghani - by ♥Ange♥ on

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