egyptian jilbabs

Check out these cute Egyptian jilbabs from this website here.
I havent bought off them personally, but their stuff looks nice (although a bit pricey). i bet i could pick it up for much cheaper when im actually in Egypt.

Here is a denim one i kinda like. im usually off denim abayas for good - but i like how this has been paired with the green stripey hijab:::

Not sure if i like this one. Personally i wouldnt buy it - not my style.. looks a bit too stiff:::

I like this one - its very cute and a bit unusual (in a good way):::

Awww this one is pretty!
I like the light design down the front. I think it looks quite simple, yet elegant:::

I like how this blue jilbab opens up down the bottom, revealing a different coloured panel. The hijab looks a bit wonky though:::

This one is cute! Out of all of the jilbabs, this one has its own little bit of individuality. I would buy it:::

More of a sporty look here - but i think the giant blue pocket ruins the look of the abaya. I would prefer it with the two continuous stripes reaching the hem of the abaya and not being broken up by the ugly pocket:::

Not sure about this one...i think its the giant pockets again (who would really keep coins in actual breast pockets anyway?):::

This one is quite ladylike and pretty. Very elegant. i would have a go at this one:::

how about you? which ones would you buy if you had the $$$???

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