
No Kimmy, No!!!

i hate shoulder pads. i was talking to a friend on MSN who mentioned shoulder pads in abayas and how everytime she buys one, they come with massive shoulder pads.

Dear Abaya Makers...
We have shoulders. We dont need pads. This isnt the 8th grade where we all wanted bigger breasts and stuffed our bras. we do not need to stuff our shoulders. it will only make us look like the incredible hulk <------------- not lady like.

Please also note that it is no longer the 80's. shoulder pads are out. no one wants to look like a massive walking upside down triangle anymore. it went out of fashion.
a. long. time. ago.
if someone wants to bring back the shoulder pad, i will personally try to end your life. i realise some designers are trying to make it a comeback... but please dont.
please stop manufacturing abayas with shoulder pads. they are gross, unnecessary and annoying as we only have to break out the sewing kit to remove them and stitch up any holes we have created in the process.

Hijab + Shoulder Pads ----- NO!!!

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