dubai fashion week - abeer al suwaidi

alsuwaidi seems to have taken a completely different outlook on the traditional abaya - transforming it into a 60's haze of pop colour, lollipops and 60's makeup. i like it - it is cute, original and is sure not to get lost amongst the same-same of other designers.
she is apparently famous for designing "skinny abayas" in the UAE (never heard of such a concept) and while i wouldnt wear some of these in public due to the tightness of the lower half - they sure are pretty to look at.

here are some of her quirky designs:

reminds me of lollies...

love the orange pop!

just a bit weird...

i was actually quite liking this until my eyes hit the blocks down the bottom...

simple and elegant...

crazy cute! i love the one-sided polka dots - but would change that hem to a long flowing one - more abaya like. apart from that i love it!

umm... dunno... its different...

would love a longer version of this baby...

this is cute! love the sleeves and the cute stripy finish at the bottom. one of my favs!

reminds me of the 60's fashion in austin powers or the old james bond movies...

abeer's designs are a little bit cute and a whole lot quirky but i really commend her on being different and the stand out of the pack.
what do you think of her fresh designs? would you wear them?

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