a little bit too much 'style'

one thing i noticed in egypt that doesnt really happen here in the west is that so many girls go all super-matchy-matchy when dressing.

their multi-layered coloured hijab style will match their carina top, which matches their blouse, which matches their pants/skirt, which matched their shoes, which matches their long thread of beads, rings and bracelets, which matches their eyeshadow, which matches their bag, etc.
its like colour co-ordination in overdrive.

to be honest - i dont like it.
its too over the top. there is no creativity in that...

i remember standing in a hijab stall in alexandria when this girl walks in with a hideous bright red jumper that she obviously just bought (arab street fashion can make any westerner cringe - at times its like eurotrash on LSD from 1993) which she then flung at the male shop assistant and told him she needed a hijab in the exact same colour. the poor guy had to go through about eighteen different red hijabs before he found one in the exact same shade.

here are a few examples of what i mean...

"its blue and black day today"

 "its purple and black day today!"
"polka dots, acid wash jeans, funny boob groping top - could this get any cooler?"

"its orange and brown day today."

"guess what day today is..."

sometimes being over-styled can hurt the eyes.

what do you think? do you like subtle styling or the more in your face co-ordination?

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