beauty and fashion in morocco

ive been watching this series called the price of beauty in which singer jessica simpson travels to other nations in order to discover their ideal of beauty and the fashion/styles which are standard in each country.
i thought this piece on her trip to morocco was interesting to watch, especially the part where she sits down with a non-covered muslim woman, a niqabi and a hijabi to discuss clothing.
watch both parts and tell me your thoughts after.

one thing i didnt like that much was the non-covered muslim woman telling jessica simpson that her clothing was inappropriate when im sure many other people would consider her tight jeans and tight, low cut top to be just as inappropriate as well (especially considering she is a muslim woman living in an islamic based country). also wasnt a fan of the dirty, down cast looks she was giving her because of her clothing choice. didnt really give off a good look for her - it came across as very arrogant and just plain nasty. i wanted to wipe that smug smirk off her face when she was shaking her head at her.
also jessica was WAY more covered in her shorty-shorts than those belly dancers and yet nothing was said by the rude moroccan lady. i find that a bit strange...
i must say JS handled it well and i laughed my butt off when she responded with "i like my legs, just like you like your cleavage".

what are your thoughts?

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