dresses and skirts i want

Egyptian style long dress -
i love how pretty and stripey it looks. it would look bad on me because i would look like a fat red stripey grape. Anyone slightly curvy has to be careful and choose stripes carefully - in particular the direction of the stripes - horizontal stripes are a BIG NO!

Khalleji Jilbab:::
This is so damn cute - so colourful and playful. i want one now:::

Egyptian Jilbab:::
GORGEOUS!!!! love the colour, love the design! But of course wear it loose - not figure hugging like here:::

Sheikha Mozah of Qatar:::
Total glam - reminds me of Jackie O's classy and classic style::::
Turkish cuteness:::
This is so pretty and sweet - love the look!!!

Khaleeji jilbab:::
i have my whhole outfit picked out already for this baby:::
dragon preciousness::::
very cute and oriental inspired:::

Morroccan style:::
gorgeous!!! Looks like something a medieval princess would wear:::

Ahh.. my fashion tastebuds have been satisfied for yet another day.............

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