pants: i dont hate them 100%...

...maybe just 70%... because of things like this::::
...and also because a lot of girls wear them in immodest ways, so then i do not advertise pant-hijabi looks. for more in-depth reason please see this older post of mine.

Now im assuming you read the post before in the link - i would like to extend on to that by saying that i have indeed seen many hijabies in real life and in various pics looking very modest in pants.

here are some pics of what i mean -

This Masri/Egyptian style is very cute and modest - yet she is wearing pants! (shock! horror! i dont hate all pants!). at a quick glance you would think she is wearing a loose skirt, but on closer inspection you realise she is indeed wearing pants. They are *very very* loose and *very very very* modest. I would declare them as hijab OK in my humble hijabi opinion::::

Also this turkish style is modest - she is wearing pants but also wearing a long caftan over the top. i would class this as of course also hijab appropriate, because although her pants *may * be tight at the top (i am only imagining here), her caftan is acting as her Islamic Jilbab and covering her properly::::

But the real reason i dont advocate pants is because once you say "pants are ok" you get a multitude of young girls wearing figure hugging, too tight, booty showing pants and jeans. And a lot of the girls dont cover their body properly and you get into the whole "dressed but naked" thing.
Take this girl on the left for example:
yeah sure she is covered... and she is wearing pants as are the the girls above.. so whats the difference?

The difference is that the pants are too tight, not loose and therefore not modest. plus sure her skin may be covered, but her "areas" are not. Basically if i can see the outline of crotch, then you are in trouble. we shouldnt see that 'V' shape of your *private* area. (its called *private* for a reason, you know...)::::

The same, but slightly extended thing in the pic below (girl on left) -
The girl may have her skin covered, but those jeans are so tight! Now fashion-wise she looks fantastic! I love the look - but islamically ???

There are no secrets about what is under her clothing. her backside wouldnt be covered properly and the whole thigh area is completely wrapped in a nice tight package for any non-mahram to steal looks at:::

Same thing here below:::
The hijabi on the left is looking damn fine and colourful, masha'Allah. her style is very fresh and gorgeous. but the tight crotch-showing jeans are far from proper hijab/jilbab.

The sister on the far right (in brown) barely has her bum and crotch covered. Once again - another example of the jeans being too tight and figure hugging. and as we can see in this pic - as soon as a little wind and walking mix together, we have the inevitable bum showage:::

I dont even need to go on about this one below - you should all know what is not islamic about this (i have actual friends who dress like this):::

So ladies, even though i swore this blog off pants forever, i would like to make it clear that i do agree that some sisters look very modest and beautiful when wearing pants. i have seen many sisters in my own city wearing very loose, wide leg pants with *long* tunics and so on and they look great, but because the majority of young girls wear tight pants and short tops that dont cover much at all; i prefer to stay away from pants and stick with skirts and abaya-like clothing that is hard to get wrong.
For example - this girl wearing pants is a no-no.... and the sad thing is many girls wear this kind of clothing, maybe perhaps with a slightly longer top, but one that still reveals the shape of a woman's thighs and curves....
as opposed to thinking that looser is better...
i dont wear pants... but if i was i would go with something a little like this:::

#1 - some *very* loose, very wide legged pants....

#2 - and a top *that is long enough* to cover the appropriate areas, such as the length in this red example.... (not some short tunic that just covers your bum/crotch areas)....

Also keep in mind when shopping that just because a pair of jeans or pants are wide and loose down the bottom - doesnt necessarily mean they are loose up the top around your thighs and bum... and really - what is more attractive to a red-blooded male - your shins or your thighs and bum?.. i think you know the answer...

Here are some great modest pants from shukr that i like (notice the tops/tunics are long and modest and not *just* covering-

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