disclaimer: nail polish and perfumes

nails and smells
nails and smells - by ♥Ange♥ on Polyvore.com

If you are female then you probably love the above products. 99% of the female population loves all things that look pretty, smell pretty and feel pretty to have on. This is why i include them in my hijabi style sets. For your viewing pleasure! It is in no way a discreet sign that says "whack on your nail polish and perfume everyday!"

Now in saying this we all know when, where and why we can/can not wear these at certain times.

lets start with the every pretty nail polish:::
basically the only time you can get away with wearing it is when you have your period. In order to pray you must successfully make wudu. In order to have proper wudu you must cleanse certain parts of your body. the first step in wudu (after saying "Bismillah") is the washing of the hands. You have to get your whole hand, up to the wrist, wet. This includes your finger nails. if you have nail polish or fake nails on, then the water wont access your natural fingernail due to the barrier the polish/fake nails make. Therefore - your wudu is not being made properly.

Some girls use the *very stupid* excuse of "i made wudu before i painted my nails/got artificial nails done.. so i am allowed to wear them". Newsflash - you cant make wudu once and expect it to last a whole week or however long you intend to wear your fake nails or polish. We make wudu 5 times a day - not once a week!!!

You wouldnt make wudu on your feet once, cover them in socks continuously for a week and seriously believe your wudu is valid for that entire time... so why use the same excuse for your nails - which are probably even more dirty considering we use our hands a lot more than our feet.

So you cant wear them during the days of prayer - however it is halal to decorate your hands with Henna during your prayer time as the water can still access your skin and nails - so there are other options for finger prettiness.

You can however wear them for the duration of your period... because you dont pray.. therefore dont make wudu.. therefore bring on the finger fun!

Perfume time:::
Ok - so most of us al know by now that perfume is a no-no for ladies in public or around non-mahram men. Some of you may think "well why the hell would i waste my money wearing perfume then?".

You can wear it around anyone who is mahram for you. Your husband - father - brothers - your children - other people's young children - your female relatives/friends/co-workers - your female anything really... etc etc etc.. you should all know what is meant my 'mahram' - if not go and google it.

So if you are going to an all female gathering, a family function involving 100% mahram people, at home entertaining friends, at home having a romantic dinner with your hubby, etc , etc, etc.. then by all means drop the whole bottle on your head! Swim in your Calvin Klein! Drink up your Dior! .. actually dont, because it might possibly kill you or seriously damage your internal organs.

I write this disclaimer because of a few emails i have received over the past year in regards to the perfume and nail polish you see sometimes in the fashion pics. Of course the muslimah who knows her religion and knows whats she can and cant do will already know the above. But for those young girls, new muslimahs or the ones that haven't come across this before - this post is for you.

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