hijab cartoons that i will narrate

OK so humour me a bit while i humour you.. i do not know what this arabic means in the pics, so i will invariably make up my own conclusions based on the cartoons. If you read arabic please tell me how wrong i am and what the pics really say:::

Muslim men love a pious woman. They take pride in her hijab and modest clothing. they love her look and her religious nature... when they are married. When they are single they will climb over each other to get to the uncovered skin-flashing woman and compete for her attention, thus ignoring the pious hijabi... even though the uncovered girl has an effed up krusty the klown side-ways afro and a head like a horse:::


Woman - "What the hell are you looking at? Lower you gaze stupid man.. im a HIJABI.. the disrespect these days... Where have the pious men gone to?"
Man - "Where have the pious women gone to?"

Girl - "Mum... Dad... Thankyou so much for bringing me up Muslim. I love Islam! I lvoe you guys! Thankyou for instilling good character, morals and modesty in me. Im so happy im a hijabi!!! May Allah reward you for all you have done"
Mum & Dad - "May Allah forgive us for what we have done.. is this our daughter?"

Hijab in reverse - thanks to fashion, trends and the need to be Western.

Shaytaan: "Come on.. you know you want to.. look at the fun and enjoyment they are having.. dont you want to be in love, walking around free with your very own habibi... go on.. go on and enjoy your youth.. youre only young once... it all starts with taking off your hijab, dont worry about study so much... loosen up a bit.. you can even swap your abaya for fugly orange flares and cowboy boots and an ugly dude that looks like the Fonz"

No need for guesses...

Hijabies - "Filthy.. how can she dress like that? all her body accentuated and her hair out sticking out.. Ya Allah..."
"We love Islam. We love Allah. We are Muslims and abide my God's given law. Pass the sheesha"
"My hijab is in my heart" (note that in the cartoon her hijab is actually her hair)
'Hijabies' - "We are sooo better than this girl.. i mean seriously.. she calls herself a muslim and doesnt wear hijab? Astaghfurullah... how can she dress like THAT with her deen is Islam?"
Girl - "ahhh a fellow hijabi in Ramadan!!" (ok so i can make out a few words)
Real Hijabi - "Oh dear god"
man - "Oh Allah save me from the fire"
What do you think/know they say?

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